I found this tag whilst I was browsing the internet and it seemed like a lot of fun! I love browsing Instagram as well~
1. What’s your username?
My username is Gentou~ It's the name of one of my favourite SuG songs! I went through phase where I'd name a lot of my social media accounts after SuG songs.
2. When did you create your Instagram account?
April 4th 2012. It's amazing to think I've been using Instagram for almost three years! It doesn't feel that long at all.
3. Which is the first picture you posted?
Awww lovely Spider! She's my sisters cat and this is back when she was a lot thinner than she is now.
4. How many times do you log in? Per day/week?
I check my app a couple times a day on almost a daily basis. It depends how bored I am. If I'm very bored I tend to check it a lot more. If I have many pictures to post I also tend to browse Instagram a lot more.
5. What is your worst picture?
I have a few pictures that don't have many likes or comments haha but it's hard to pick a worst. A lot of my earlier pictures were quite bad quality due to my camera phone.
6. Which picture has had the most likes?
Tsum tsums~ I have a lot more than this now! So many that they take up three shelves! Including two medium sized tsum tsums as well that live on my drawer next to my make up.
7. How many followers do you have? How many people are you following?
I have 389 followers, and I'm following 1,833 others. That's a huge gap! I like having lots to look at.
8. Who is the last person who liked one of your pictures?
It was actually one of my really good (outside of the internet) friends Cahrys who you can find here on Instagram!
9. Name one brand/celebrity you are following? One brand/celebrity who follow you (if there is any)?
I follow many Japanese clothing brands! Unfortunately none of them follow me back haha~ I don't follow too many celebrities; only a select few that I really really like.
10. Show us your top 3 pictures?
These are the next three pictures that have the most likes on my Instagram.
11. What is the last picture on your Instagram feed?
My gorgeous new photoframe in my bedroom. I love it so much!
One of the first few pictures I posted on Instagram was of the deco brush and mirror set you made for me! :D